Squirrel SQL Client and SQLite Databases

Working with RubyOnRails i use sqlite in development.

In my dev-environment (windows) i used to use SQLiteBrowser to look into the DB. But the usability was not what i was used to.

So i tried to get Squirrel SQL Client to work with SQLite and had my problems integrating the two together.


Because i googled and googled and did not find a working answer.

In the end it was easy.

  1. Download Squirrel SQL Client http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net/
  2. Get this jdbc-Adapter for SQLite: https://bitbucket.org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/overview
  3. Throw the lib in the lib-Directory of SQuirrel
  4. Startup Squirrel
  5. Create new Driver
    1. Name: SQLite
    2. Example-Url: jdbc:sqlite:<PATH>/mydatabase.db
    3. Website-Url: https://bitbucket.org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/wiki/Usage
    4. Class-Name: org.sqlite.JDBC
  6. Add Alises for your DB and connect to them